Château de Prague Audioguide
Heure de rendez-vous / durée
10.30, 11.30, 13.05, 14.00 (tous les jours)
Lieu de rendez-vous
Visite dans
English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Czech
Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'explorer le Château de Prague par vous-même ! Explorez le château avec un GUIDE unique en ligne sur votre mobile/tablette ! Obtenez votre billet pour le complexe du Château de Prague et, grâce à cet audioguide, vous découvrirez les parties les plus intéressantes, les plus importantes et les plus significatives des intérieurs.
À quoi s'attendre
Ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre
- L'audioguide vous montrera les endroits les plus intéressants de l'intérieur du Château de Prague.
Selon le Livre Guinness des records, le Château de Prague est le plus grand ensemble continu de châteaux au monde. Vous visiterez d'abord la cathédrale Saint-Guy, où vous entendrez des histoires sur les rois, les empereurs et les grandes figures historiques. La cathédrale n'est pas seulement un chef-d'œuvre architectural étonnant, mais aussi, et surtout, le gardien de notre nation, qui cache et garde les joyaux de notre couronne.
Un guide mobile vous conduira à l'ancien palais royal pour voir la salle Vladislav et d'autres lieux importants de notre histoire.
Vous visiterez la basilique Saint-Georges, où sont enterrés les Premyslides, vous vous promènerez dans la Ruelle d'or, où vous découvrirez la vie de personnes ordinaires et extraordinaires du passé, et enfin, vous verrez Daliborka, une ancienne prison et un site de grève de la faim qui se trouve à l'extrémité est de la Ruelle d'or. Nommée d'après son premier prisonnier, Dalibor de Kozojed, et entourée de légende, la tour à canon cylindrique datant de 1496 clôturera cette promenade certainement inoubliable.
Expérience du produit
- Explorez le magnifique complexe du château de Prague à l'aide d'un système révolutionnaire de GUIDE en ligne sur votre propre mobile (connexion internet nécessaire/très peu de données).
- Découvrez les magnifiques intérieurs du château à votre propre rythme. Visitez la cathédrale Saint-Guy, l'ancien palais royal, la basilique Saint-Georges et la ruelle d'or (billet d'entrée non inclus).
- Le guide en ligne vous indiquera les lieux les plus intéressants et les plus importants, les personnalités, les œuvres d'art et bien d'autres choses encore pendant votre visite.
Il s'agit d'un guide en ligne sous forme de texte et d'audio. Avant de pénétrer à l'intérieur des bâtiments du Château de Prague, il est nécessaire d'acheter un billet d'entrée.
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus ?
- AUDIOGUIDE en ligne sur votre téléphone portable (une connexion internet est indispensable pour que l'audioguide en ligne fonctionne correctement ! Nous vous recommandons d'avoir des écouteurs)
Qu'est-ce qui n'est pas inclus ?
- Billets d'entrée circuit B pour la cathédrale Saint-Guy, l'ancien palais royal, la basilique Saint-Georges et la ruelle d'or.
- Guide en direct
interessante anche se non è chiaro come eseguire il percorso, i punti di ascolto sono collocati al contrario, bisogna iniziare dal fondo, ma una volta capito i monumenti sono spiegati molto bene e ti fanno apprendere la bellezza di quanto stai ammirando
Sehr nette, deutschsprachige Reiseleiterin mit Geduld und Hilfsbereitschaft.
Mit allen wichtigen Infos, praktikabel.
Me gustó muchísimo el tour, nuestra guia era bastante buena y respondía todas nuestras dudas
We were not able to download/use the guide.
This was absolutely fantastic & very easy and efficient service.
Fantastisch mooie plek om te bezoeken als je in Praag bent. Je kunt hier rustig een halve dag rondlopen voordat je alles hebt gezien. Vooraf is er een korte introductie over de geschiedenis van Praag en de burcht. De audiotour zorgt ervoor dat je van alles interessante informatie krijgt en niets van dit mooie complex zult missen. Kortom echt aanrader.
It's worth it considering the price. Although it's not very comprehensive (it doesn't cover all the audio guides in the places), it's affordable and sufficient for me. So I would recommend to buy it online rather than rent it at Prague.
I bought this service thinking it was the official website of the Prague Castle. The url and website of this service and company are fraudalents, taking advantage of customers for its appearance.
Wonderful quick introduction to Prague castle’s history!
Keby som si chcela text dat do Google translate aby mi ho čítal do ucha tak by som to urobila sama a zadarmo a nemusela by som platiť 5€. Neodporúčam
It was descriptive. But the focus was more towards random historic facts than painting a picture of how the exhibit is relevant and vital to the history. Felt a bit out of sync.
Thanks for the whole experience!
Helpful, but navigating the application had a small flaw. The button to go back should be labeled "back" or "previous" (and not "preview" which has a different meaning). Several times I wanted to go back to start a section over.
So few numbers in st Vitus were covered. AI voice not pleasing to hear.
A fantastic walk through Split. Dee Dee was a wonderful guide who shared a tonne of interesting information about Split’s history while taking us on a culinary tour. She also provided us with some great directions on what to take in after our tour.
schnell vor Ort zu installieren, gute und ausreichende Erklärungen
Did not work at all
Steve’s overview was excellent!
Unfortunately for me it was too long-winded for this particular visit. The huge crowds meant that standing and listening was too difficult. If our visit had been at a much quieter time then I think I would have found it more use. However, the woman spoke very clearly and having both written and audio is good.
The guide for the cathedral was in a different order to the walking path, so difficult to use.
unbearable synthetic voice. navigation not very smooth.
The mobile guide app is pretty buggy. The voice over is really choppy and you can’t leave the app or take pictures.
Its not very user friendly, I had to play again and again and keep my screen on
Jestli se da rict, ze se z naseho vyletu po Praze neco nepovedlo, tak je to tento pruvodce. Pocitacove cteni bylo strasne a nikoho z nas nakonec nebavilo. V Katedrale sv. Vita jsme nemohli najit poradne nic z toho o cem se mluvilo nez jsme zjistili, ze pruvdce vede z opacne strany od vychodu a ne od vchodu. Zjistili jsme par zajimavost, kdyz jsme si cetli texty, tak davama 2 destniky, ale jinak to opravdu nedoporucuji.
the staff were very helpful. the only disappointment was that the audio guide was hard to use to follow the contents of the church
We had a wonderful experience! Steve was really knowledgeable and funny, it was a great intro to the castle!
Application à usage immédiat, très pratique. Il y a quelques améliorations à apporter sur la traduction automatique de termes comme 10ème siècle par exemple. Mais cela rend service quand il n'y a pas de guide ou de document dans sa langue maternelle.
Terrible. Didn’t get the guide purchased through QR code until trying for 30 min and having to go find an employee. The email granting us access to it came through THREE DAYS later. It was not disclosed that tickets for the astronomical clock had to be picked up 10 mon walk away…as a tourist we don’t know from the address. Also we bought tickets the same day and were not told that part of what was included was not open until 1.5 hours after our ticket entry time. I do not recommend this company.
Non ci sono tutte le spiegazioni segnalate all'interno delle attrazioni.
buona organizzazione
Very poor description and bad translation in italian
Invaluable guide for Prague Castle complex and well worth €5. Very clear commentary and guide to attraction.
We had a great tour ! We learned a lot and was very nice had Mel as our guide ! We had a great time
AI voices was a little bit awkward,,, What I expected was a real human voice lol But the contents and the navigatation throughout whole route was nice
I was definitely pleased with the audio guide, worth the purchase. Only negative for me was the audio numbers did match up with numbers throughout the areas so a little chopping and changing was needed to match up audio with right area. Unsure if this was just me or needs updating. Otherwise good purchase.
Good. Informative.
Poor - there were areas in the official audio guide that were not covered by this one . I gave up after 10 minutes
Descrizione ottimo
The Cathedral’s audio need an update. But the guide is good! If you’ll develop audio and block screen togher, it’ll been perfect!
Der Guide ist sehr einfach gehalten und in einzelne Kapitel gegliedert. Audioguide ist etwas übertrieben, im Grunde liest ein Sprachprogramm einen Text vor. Der ist dann auch recht informativ, sodass man besser versteht, wofür die ganzen Räume genutzt wurden und wohin man gucken muss. Man kann in einem Kapitel nicht vorspulen, man muss eine Einheit am Stück hören.
Unfortunately the audio guide was not very helpful as some of the numbered exhibits/attractions did not match the information on the guide. Also, because too many names were included- particularly when it came to architects or construction-, the description ended up being rather confusing and not quite so interesting. Perhaps more stories, folk tales related to each attraction or information about how people actually lived in and used each room or building would help to make it more interesting.
Lot of numbers were missing so missed the info
Not very good italian
I ragazzi con l' ombrello, bravi gentilissimi , la guida online ben fatta
Well organized and easy to acess
Hard to use. Very hard to coordinate audio to the item being viewed.
Helpful staff. Description of product was wrong- audio guide was not included but admission tickets were. We paid and downloaded an audio guide but it was not good because it spoke about the exhibits in reverse order so it was extremely confusing to work it out. Voice was robotic! However the staff member who handed me the tickets was there waiting in the snow and she was very helpful
no signal
What a great place, with so much history and so much to learn. When I went the cathedral was having work done to it and it seems that the entrance and exit may have been reversed, so the tour was actually in the wrong order, so I needed to pick each section out individually and this was not explained, which is why I didn’t give full marks, but the content was good and knowledgeable.
Bis auf ein paar Ungenauigkeiten in der Übersetzung eine chronologisch sehr gut aufgebaute Führung durch die Prager Burg. Preis/Leistung stimmt absolut.
Private guide walking tour
Le ragazze che mi hanno consegnato i biglietti sono state puntuali, gentili e disponibili ad ulteriori chiarimenti
The female computer voice was boring. The Navigation in the link was confusing. We were in a group of four. We all stopped using the guide.
Good information
Very informative and clear
Easy as. Order. Receive link. Open and listen. Very informative also
The quality of the Italian audio guide is really low quality, I would never have spent that money if I knew what it was like beforehand.
Audio guide ok, but the preparation was clumsy.
The Audio Guide was too quiet. We couldn't hear enough because of the surrounding sounds. The informations are interessting and well-structured.
I never received the e-mail I was suppose to get to download the e-guide
No hay ningún tipo de guía es simplemente entrega de billetes
Good information
Good information provided but guides waiting on cathedral steps rather than where gps instructions send you. Also, there is no special ‘avoiding the lines’ as claimed.
Didn't work. Great idea tho.
I was change in double!
It was very informative and easy to use.
To little spaces between the seats.
Worst audio guide I’ve had. Besides, neither our data connection qere able in the castle nor wifi connection. Difficult to manage, would not recommend it
Die Deutsche übersetzung ist leider sehr schlecht zu verstehen. Englisch ist es besser. Die navigation duchtv das menü is zu umständlich und man muss viele Male die Wiedergabe neu starten. macht keine große Freude
Very good guide
Die Burganlage ist sehr interessant. Uns hat die Ausstellung von: wie haben die Leute früher gelebt, sehr gefallen.
everything ok
Didn't receive the guide
I couldn‘t participate, because I didn‘t get the code or a link!!!
We could barely understand the guide. He gave us about 5 minutes of information and with his thick accent some too fast. The castle staff were rude.
great idea for tourists, thank you
XXX, super!!!
Information was good and polite
Tutto molto chiaro e personale gentilissimo.
Service parfait! Gentil, amusant, intelligent, très utile, merci
Our tour helped us maximize our day and made it enjoyable. Videos that guide the user to the next point were sometimes hard to follow because they were too fast. Thanks